Dan Horvatin
WI DOJ Certified Master Rifle and Handgun Instructor
WI DOJ Certified Master Tactical Response Instructor
WI DOJ Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor
WI DOJ Certified Scenario Instructor
WI DOJ Certified Vehicle Contacts Instructor
WTCS Certified Instructor – Providing instruction to law enforcement academy recruits
WI DOJ Certified Law Enforcement Officer – 24+ years experience
SWAT – 18 years experience
Tactical Rifle Instructor
Ballistic Shield Instructor
NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
Taser Instructor
Smith & Wesson M&P Rifle / Pistol Armorer
Former Dive Team Search and Recovery Diver
Former Martial Arts Instructor – Jujutsu / Ninpo
Dan Horvatin is a full time Law Enforcement Officer with over 24 years of experience, and over 5 years experience running a specialized investigation unit. His experience includes working in a secure correctional environment, courthouse security operations, patrol operations, and a variety of criminal investigations. Dan was a SWAT team operator for 18 years, having held the positions of ballistic shield officer, cover officer, and completed his tenure on the SWAT Team as an assistant team leader. Dan has experience in Search and Recovery efforts as a public safety diver. As a WI DOJ Certified Instructor in Firearms, Tactical Response, and Defensive Tactics, Dan has been teaching law enforcement officers and academy recruits for approximately 21 years.
Dan began his study of traditional martial arts in his teenage years eventually earning black belts in two different disciplines, and instructing in these martial arts. Dan saw both the benefits and shortcomings of traditional martial arts training as he began his law enforcement career. Incorporating elements from a variety of other martial arts systems, Dan has formulated an overall self-defense strategy which is both simple and effective.
Dan has been teaching civilians and responsible armed citizens since founding Wisconsin Precision Concealment (WPC) in November 2010 (originally known as COC-LLC). Dan believes it is imperative that responsible citizens receive the best training possible, and hopes that by receiving training through WPC, that students are better prepared for the situations that come their way. Dan believes training is an on-going process of learning, refinement, and self-evaluation.
Wisconsin Precision Concealment’s classes are designed to give the student the best training experience possible developing skills that will last a lifetime.
Dan is also part owner of Wisconsin Precision Arms LLC, which is a Class III manufacturer and dealer of firearms, suppressors, and firearms related accessories. The goal of Wisconsin Precision Arms is to provide customers with the knowledge and information necessary to make an informed decision when making firearm purchases. Wisconsin Precision Arms also has the ability to build custom rifles to customer specifications.