The term “Universal Background Check” is code for a way to get another step closer to the goal of the left, gun confiscation.

It is an infringement on our natural rights and on the Second Amendment.

The “gun grabbers” have admitted that this is just a first step.  They really want total registration and confiscation of firearms from the law abiding citizens.

If this legislation is passed, the government will suddenly “discover” that it doesn’t work unless all guns are registered with the government.

Complete this little form:

Tell members of Congress to oppose “Universal” Background Check Legislation. (H.R. 8 and S. 42)

Also OPPOSE any RED FLAG legislation being proposed in your State.

Legislation like this can be broadly used by the government as a means to confiscate firearms from citizens they do not agree with.

Recent history has shown us that the left has no problem using the powers of government against their political opponents, like what was done by the IRS to the TEA Party / Patriot groups.

Want to know more about how “Gun Control” was used in the past?  Click on the books (links) below: