"The pen is mightier than the sword." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1839

While that quote may or may not be true, your pen can be used as a self-defense tool. Many different self-defense courses and martial arts schools teach self-defense techniques utilizing a pen or Kubaton. The top three target areas for self-defense include the soft tissue areas of the face, throat, and groin.  A pen can be used for self-defense in the same areas. Additionally, in certain circumstances, a pen can be used to defeat someone’s grip when they are grabbing you from behind.

The major limitation of a standard pen is its structural integrity. When used in a self-defense manner, a standard pen or pencil may or may not be effective.

Why leave that to chance? You no longer have to, because now there are many manufacturers on the market making tactical pens with a variety of features.

A tactical pen is obviously the last line of defense, aside from physical tactics. However, it should be considered as an item to keep as part of your EDC system.  The real value of a tactical pen is not just the self-defense aspect. Obviously a pen is a necessity to carry with you for writing, but there are tactical pens with many more options. Some tactical pens also have LED lights and/or little tools which can come in handy for minor repairs.  One of the greatest tools included on a tactical pen is a glass breaker.

There are a variety of different scenarios where in glass breaker may come in handy: Consider the need to get out of a car that’s been in an accident, but the door is wedged shut. This same car may be smoking, ready to start on fire.  While you could normally kick the window out, injury from the accident may prevent that.

It may be that somehow your vehicle ends up in water and you are unable to open the windows & doors.  Because of the water pressure against the door, it may not be opened easily.  Most modern vehicles have electric windows.  A short in the electrical system will prevent the window from opening, forcing you to break the glass to get out.

You may need to escape from a building as a result of a fire or terrorist attack, but cannot open the windows by conventional means.


You can get a quality tactical pen for FREE by following this link, just cover the shipping.


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