Four Reasons Cops Retire Before You

The 4 Reasons Cops Retire Before You
By Bart Proctor April 28, 2017

This is a great article covering some of the aspects of policing that the general public doesn’t really understand.  Statistically, Law Enforcement Officers have an increased risk of dying at an earlier age for a variety of reasons.  A relatively recent study (2013) confirmed this:

Life Expectancy in Police Officers: A Comparison with the U.S. General Population

This study cites many potential factors involved in the police lifestyle that might be a reason for this increased risk including the hazards of the job, stress, shift work, obesity, etc.  If you are an LEO, find a way to mitigate these factors so that you can not only survive to retirement, but thrive in retirement.  If you know someone who is an LEO, share this information with them, so they can make the appropriate lifestyle changes.  If neither of the above applies, look at the risk factors.  You any of these apply to you?  If so, change your lifestyle.